


Since the database per model can be vast, most of the tools offer filters with which to confine the data to specific time ranges. The filters look like this:

MIS Filters
MIS Filters

There are also predefined ranges, such as “Passed 3 months”, “Passed 12 months” etc…

User roles

The xxllnc Expertsystemen Web Server allows you to allocate users to roles, and these roles can affect what data you, or any other user, is able to see within the MID.

If a user has a role of ‘USER’, ‘MANAGER’ or ‘ADMINISTRATOR’, they will only see the data saved during sessions they have started themselves, on models which they are connected to via a domain (not anonymous access models) or have published themselves.

In other words, if a USER role publishes a model with MIS recording, then logs into the MID, they will only see the data they have input during their own sessions. If that model were anonymously accessible, or connected to a domain where other users had access, the original publisher would never see the data input by other users or anonymous sessions.

‘GUEST’ roles have no access to the MID.

In order to see all data saved for a model, you will need to setup a ‘VIEWER’ or ‘VIEWERADMIN’ role.


This is a special role meant only for the MID. Someone with this role will not be allowed to create sessions on a model. When you login as a viewer, you go straight into the MID.

As long as a viewer role is connected to a domain which is also connected to a MIS enabled model, that user will be able to see all data saved during every session of that model.

The viewer role then also has an extra filter provided, which allows them to filter the data based on another username if they so wish.

Viewer Filters
Viewer Filters

The only difference between ‘VIEWER’ and ‘VIEWERADMIN’ roles will be covered in the ‘Custom Views’ section of this documentation.