


Settings: HTML
Settings: HTML
Show cases in menu
Check if you want to allow an overview of her cases to be presented to the user. For this setting to provoke the actual listing, a plugin has to be activated in your web layout.
Show ‘Date created’ in menu
Whether or not to show date and time of case (session) creation in the case overview. For this setting to be active, a plugin has to be activated in your web layout.
Show ‘Delete’ in menu
Whether or not to allow deletion of cases in the case overview. For this setting to be active, a plugin has to be activated in your web layout.
Show ‘Report’ in menu
Whether or not to show a report link for cases in the case overview. The report is an auto-generated trail of questions and answers. For this setting to be active, a plugin has to be activated in your web layout.
Show ‘Copy Case’ in menu
Whether or not to show button for copying cases in the case overview. For this setting to be active, a plugin has to be activated in your web layout.
Use external jumplists (if file exists)
When checked the jumplist template defined on the model properties will be used or, if that setting is absent, the file html/jumplist.txt. Does not affect JSON output.
Show jumps up to level
The depths to which to show the author-defined jumplist items.
Translate label div-tag to h3-tag
When checked, ‘Standard Title’ labels will be translated to HTML header tags of level 3 (<h3>title here</h3>). Does not affect JSON output.