


Settings: MIS
Settings: MIS
Check if you want to use the MIS functionality. You must set in the model which data can be saved to the MIS.
Write CSV file
If checked, the ‘old’ functionality will still work, namely the writing of all the values in a .csv file.
Write deltas to MIS
If checked, only different values in the case will be written to the Excel File.
All users can access MIS data
Normally, only administrators can access the MIS data. If checked, everybody can. (only if the CSV functionality is used)
Write deltas to MIS
If checked, only different values in the case will be written to the Excel File.
Create out of scope list
If checked, the server tries to get all values of a model, showing also the ‘out of scope’ values. This only works in deep case searches.

The following values can be left empty if the server just needs to save a CSV file. The server is also capable of using a MongoDB server. This allows much more flexibility, but also a lot more management.

MIS Database Name
Enter the database name of the MongoDB Server URL of MIS server
Enter the URL of the MongoDB Server